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Top 20 Web Development Interview Questions and Answers 2023

Web development or Website Development has come a long way since the early days of HTML and CSS. Nowadays, there are so many web development applications available that helps to create and design high-quality websites. In this article, we will take a closer look at what web development applications are and how they can help you build better websites.

The field of web development is growing very fast, and also demand for skilled professionals in increasing day by day. Getting a web development job requires not only technical expertise but also the ability to perform well during interviews. In this article, we will explore some common web development job interview questions and answers to help you ace your next interview.

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Topmost asked Web Development Interview Question and Answer

Web Development

1. What are the key responsibilities of a Web Developer?

Here is the list of Roles and Responsibilities of a Web Developers as mentioned following:

  • Make Sure Web Applications Work Properly: To make sure web applications work perfectly and offer a seamless user experience, they must all be programmed, thoroughly tested, and painstakingly debugged.
  • End-to-End Development: Take care of the entire web application development lifecycle, from design to deployment, by designing, creating, testing, and implementing cutting-edge solutions.
  • Increasing Online Visibility: To increase Online visibility and reach a larger audience, upload websites onto servers and expertly register them with major search engines.
  • Collaborative Creation: Work closely with other experienced designers and programmers to produce enticing websites that perfectly blend both technical prowess and aesthetic appeal.
  • Resolving Bugs Quickly: Quickly find and fix bugs, carefully analyze problems, and solve complicated difficulties to maintain a highly responsive and error-free web environment.
  • Support for Website Maintenance: Consistently support and carefully maintain websites to keep them up-to-date, safe, and responsive to changing user needs.

2. About web developer salary?

A web developer’s pay might vary significantly depending on their location, level of expertise, industry, and job duties. Web developers often make a competitive wage that exceeds the average income in various countries.

According to data from Glassdoor, the average base salary for a web developer in the United States is around $76,000 per year. In other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the average salary for a web developer is around £32,000 per year. While in Australia, it is around AU$70,000 per year. It’s completely depending on your experience with Web Development and Location.

3. What is CORS? How does Cross-Origin Resource Sharing work?

Cross-Origin Resolving Standard A feature called resource sharing allows for the request of various resources (such as JavaScript, typefaces, etc.) on a web page from a domain other than the one from which they originally came. This technique controls XMLHttpRequest access to a separate domain and is supported by HTML5.

The browser by default applies the Same-Origin Policy if a web page requests assets such as images, fonts, or data from a different domain. Because of this policy’s limitations on cross-origin requests, web pages can only send requests to the domain from which they were loaded. However, there are situations where leveraging APIs located on multiple domains requires web apps to conduct cross-origin calls.

4. What is an Entity Tag (ETag) and how does it work?

A web server will assign every file or web page an ETag, which is a unique code. Web browsers can use it to remember if they have already seen a particular page or file. Every page you view on a website receives an ETag from the server when you visit. Your browser sends the ETag to the server the next time you visit the same page. If the page hasn’t changed, the server notifies your browser that it is still the same; thus, your browser loads the page from memory rather than downloading it again. 

The ETag is a component of HTTP, the protocol for the internet. When the server receives the ETag from the client request, the server can then determine whether to transfer the file (HTTP 200) or instruct the client to just utilize their local copy (HTTP 304).

5. What is long polling in Web Development?

Long polling is a web application development method that simulates data being pushed from the server to the client. When using lengthy polling, the client submits a request to the server, and the connection is kept open until the server is ready to provide data to the client. Only once the data is returned to the client or a connection timeout occurs will the connection be terminated.

6. What is DTD (Document Type Declaration) in Web Development?

A Document Type Declaration (DTD) is a set of instructions that helps web browsers understand how to appropriately display a web page. It guarantees that the page appears and functions correctly regardless of whatever browser is used. DTDs are vital for ensuring that your website is easy to read for both visitors and search engines, which can increase your website’s online exposure.

7. Explain the difference between CDATA and PCDATA in DTD?

Here is the table which shows the difference between CDATA and PCDATA in DTD.

difference between CDATA and PCDATA

8. How you can include JavaScript into your HTML?

Inline Script: Using the script> element, you may add JavaScript right within the HTML file. Insert the script code between the script> and /script> tags in your HTML file’s head> or body> section. Here is the example for your reference.


9. What is the difference between cookies and local storage?

Here is the main difference between Cookies and Local Storage.

10. In HTML language what tag can we use for a multi-line text input control?

In HTML, you can use the <textarea> tag to create a multi-line text input control. The <textarea> tag allows users to input and edit multiple lines of text. Making it suitable for text areas, comments, messages, and other forms that require longer text input.

Web Development

11. How can you reduce the web page load time?

Reducing page load time is critical for creating a better user experience and enhancing the overall performance of your website. Here are some efficient methods for reducing page load time:

  • Image Optimization: Compress and compress photos to minimize file size without sacrificing quality. For improved compression, use current picture formats such as WebP, JPEG 2000, or AVIF.
  • Enable Browser Caching: To enable browser caching, configure the required cache headers. This enables browsers to cache static resources locally, eliminating the need to reload them on subsequent visits.
  • Optimize CSS and JavaScript: Reduce and compress CSS and JavaScript files to eliminate extraneous whitespace and comments, making them smaller and faster to download.
  • Reduce Server Response Time: To ensure quicker server response times, optimize server setups, database queries, and web application code.
  • Reduce the number of redirects since they add extra HTTP requests and lengthen the time it takes to load the website.

12. How Can Web Development Applications Help You Build Better Websites?

Web development applications can help you build better websites in several ways:
  • Increased efficiency: By using web development tools, you may save time and work more efficiently. For example, code editors make it easier to write and modify code.

  • Improved design: Graphic design tools allow you to create and edit images that can enhance the look and feel of your website.

  • More functionality: Frameworks and plugins can enhance the functionality of your website. That would be difficult or time-consuming to create from start.

  • Better collaboration: Many web development applications are designed for collaboration. Which allowing multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously.

13. Example of Web Development Projects.

Here are a few examples of web development projects:
  • E-commerce website: An e-commerce website allows businesses to sell their products or services online. It includes features like shopping carts, payment gateways, and order management systems.
  • Social media platform: A social media platform allows users to connect with each other and share content. Examples of popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • A blog is a website that is regularly updated with fresh information, often written articles or posts. It may be used for professional as well as personal goals. It may contain features like as comments, social media sharing, and subscription choices.
  • An online booking system is a website that allows customers to schedule appointments, reservations, or tickets online. It may be used for a multitude of things. Such as ordering airline tickets, making appointments with healthcare professionals, or reserving restaurant tables.
  • Business website: A business website is a website that is designed to promote a business or organization. It may include information about the company’s products or services, its history, its mission and values, and contact information.
  • Educational platform: An educational platform is a website that provides educational resources to users. It may include features like courses, tutorials, quizzes, and interactive learning tools.

14. What is mobile web development?

Mobile web development is the process of creating websites and web applications. That are optimized for viewing on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It involves designing websites that are mobile-friendly and can adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. As well as ensuring that they load quickly and function seamlessly on mobile devices.

Mobile web development typically involves the use of technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also uses frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js. It also often involves the use of responsive web design techniques. Which allow websites to adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

15. Difference between front end developer and backend developer?

The key differences between front-end developers and back-end developers:

Difference between front end developer and backend developer?

16. Roles and responsibilities of UI Developer.

UI developers are essential members of any web development team. Responsible for creating user-friendly and visually appealing interfaces for websites and applications. UI stands for User Interface, and UI developers are responsible for designing and developing interfaces that provide users with the best possible experience.

The primary responsibility of a UI developer is to create and implement the visual design of a website or application. This involves working closely with designers to develop and refine the layout, typography, and color scheme of the interface. UI developers also work with front-end technologies. Such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive and interactive interfaces that are optimized for different devices and screen sizes.

17. What is Web Programming?

Web programming is the process of creating things on the internet like websites and web applications. It involves writing special code that tells web browsers how to display content (HTML). Make things look nice (CSS) and add interactive features (JavaScript) with the help of coding languages.

Some programmers work on the “back-end,” which deals with servers and databases, while others work on the “front-end,” which is concerned with how things look and function in the user’s browser.

Web programming enables us to perform a variety of activities online, including as buying, chatting, and utilizing numerous web services.  It’s an essential skill in today’s digital world, making the internet a fun and useful place for everyone.

18. What are the roles and responsibilities of junior front-end developer?

Junior front-end developers are entry-level professionals that work on the front-end of websites and applications. Their major responsibility is to assist senior engineers and designers in designing user-friendly and aesthetically appealing interfaces. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create responsive and interactive interfaces.

The roles and responsibilities of a junior front-end developer typically include:

  • Designing and developing website interfaces: Junior front-end developers work with designers to create visual designs and implement those using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Ensuring website responsiveness: Must ensure that website is responsive and optimized for different screen sizes and devices.

  • Collaborating with team members: Junior front-end developers work closely with other members of the development team. Such as back-end developers and designers, to ensure that the interface is cohesive and consistent.

  • Testing and debugging: Junior developers are responsible for testing and debugging their code to ensure that the website functions correctly and that there are no errors.

  • Staying up-to-date with web technologies: Junior developers must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in web development to ensure that their skills remain relevant.

  • Providing support and maintenance: Developers must provide support and maintenance for the website or application after it is launched.

  • Ensuring website accessibility: Junior developers must ensure that the website is accessible for users with disabilities.

19. What is the use of a namespace in Web Development?

A namespace is a virtual container in web development that helps keep your code structured and prevents conflicts with other code or libraries. It’s similar to placing your code in a box with a distinct title so it doesn’t get mixed up with others.

Assume you’re constructing a house with several rooms. Each room has a unique name, such as “Kitchen,” “Living Room,” or “Bedroom.” Namespaces, on the other hand, assign names to distinct areas of your code, making it easier to organize and work with.

By using namespaces, web developers can:

  • Avoid Conflicts: Preventing problems when different parts of the code have the same name.

  • Stay Organized: Keeping related code together, making it easier to find and update.

  • Work Together: Facilitating teamwork when multiple developers collaborate on a project.

  • Use External Tools: Integrating third-party tools and libraries without causing clashes.

So, namespaces are like nametags for your code, ensuring a tidy and harmonious web development process.

Namespaces in web development

20. What are the advantages of HTTP 2.0 over HTTP 1.1?

HTTP/2 (also known as HTTP 2.0) is the most recent version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, replacing HTTP/1.1. It was designed to solve the constraints of HTTP/1.1 while also improving overall online communication performance and efficiency. The following are the benefits of HTTP/2 over HTTP/1.1:

  • Faster Loading: HTTP/2 allows several requests to be sent over the same connection at the same time, lowering page load times.

  • Smaller Overhead: HTTP/2 compresses header data, improving communication efficiency and reducing bandwidth use.

  • Server Push: HTTP/2 can proactively send resources to the client, speeding up page loading.

  • Resource Prioritization: HTTP/2 lets developers prioritize critical resources, improving user experience.

  • Binary Protocol: HTTP/2 uses a binary format, which is more efficient for web servers and browsers.

  • Connection Reuse: HTTP/2 reuses connections, reducing overhead and improving resource management.

  • Flow Control: HTTP/2 prevents fast senders from overwhelming slow receivers, enhancing stability.

  • Enhanced Security: HTTP/2 requires TLS, ensuring encrypted data exchange for better security.

  • Backward Compatible: HTTP/2 works with HTTP/1.1, so websites can upgrade without losing compatibility.

The above Web Developer Interview Questions will help you get a sense of What types of questions you can expect in web development interviews. You can also visit our website and blogs on other trending topics.