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Automation Anywhere Interview Questions – Automation 360

Do you want to secure your success in an upcoming Automation Anywhere interview? Look no farther than the “Automation Anywhere Interview Questions – Automation 360” to pass your interview. This thorough handbook is intended to provide you with the necessary information and confidence. This guide will provide you a strategic advantage, allowing you to stand out from the crowd and land your ideal job in the era of automation. This book will help you negotiate the interview process with ease and precision, whether you are a novice or a seasoned expert. Prepare to wow your interviewers and pave the route to a successful career with Automation Anywhere.

If you are new to RPA and want to explore Automation Anywhere capabilities. You can register for automation anywhere university and automation anywhere community edition using given link for lifetime free access.


You can also visit our YouTube Channel EasyWay2Learn to see training videos. Based on RPA Realtime Projects for Automation Anywhere, UiPath, and IQ Bot.

Table of Contents

Automation 360 Interview Questions

Latest Automation Anywhere Interview Questions and Answers

What is Automation Anywhere A360?

Automation 360 is the world’s first web-based cloud-native RPA platform. It helps businesses to automate business processes in very simple steps. It has features of drag and drop commands to create your rpa task in simple steps. Automation 360 provides both Cloud-based and On-Premises deployment options. It helps users to automate applications across different platforms and industries such as banking, utilities, Insurance, Mortgage finance, banking, etc.

Describe the difference between control room and client in Automation Anywhere?

The Control Room and Client are two integral components of the Automation Anywhere platform. Each serving distinct functions in the automation process.

The Control Room acts as a centralized server-based component that plays a important role in managing and monitoring automation activities.  Automation Anywhere Control Room Administrators can efficiently manage user accounts, roles and permissions within the Control Room. It has also option for scheduling and triggering capabilities. Enabling automation tasks to be executed based on predefined conditions or specific time triggers.

Additionally, the Control Room ensures a secure environment for storing and managing automation credentials and other sensitive information. It further facilitates real-time monitoring, logging, and reporting features which allow administrators to track the task execution status, performance metrics and exceptions encountered by bots.

Automation Anywhere Interview Questions

On the other hand, the Automation Anywhere Client serves as the user interface through which developers and users interact with the Automation Anywhere platform. It offers a visual workflow editor, enabling developers to design and build automation tasks using a drag-and-drop approach. The Client includes pre-built actions and commands that helps in automating various tasks effectively.

Users can execute and test automation tasks directly from the Client interface. Defining input and Output parameters, configuring error handling and accessing execution logs for debugging purposes. Furthermore, the Client allows users to manage and organize their automation tasks efficiently, including the creation of folders, version control and collaboration with team members.

What is the difference between Automation Anywhere version 11 and Automation 360?

Over the years, Automation Anywhere has evolved and introduced different versions of its software. Here are the major distinctions between Automation Anywhere Version 11 and Automation 360.

Automation Anywhere v11Automation 360
User InterfaceThe user interface of Automation Anywhere Version 11 is based on the Client-Server architecture. It requires the installation of a client component on each user’s machine, allowing them to create, manage, and execute bots locally.On the other hand, Automation 360 offers a cloud-based platform with web-based user interface. Users can access the platform through a web browser, eliminating the need for client installations. The cloud-based approach provides enhanced scalability, easier collaboration and the ability to access bots from anywhere.
Bot DevelopmentIn Version 11, Bot development primarily done on the Automation Anywhere Client. Users can build bots by drag and drop, using pre-define commands and combination of task recorders. Automation 360 introduces an improved bot development experience with an integrated, cloud-based platform. It offers a visual designer with a low-code approach, allowing users to build bots using a flowchart-like interface.
Deployment OptionsVersion 11 supports on-premises deployments, where organizations host their RPA infrastructure within their own data centers. This deployment model offers full control over the infrastructure but requires dedicated resources for maintenance and upgrades.Automation 360 is designed as a cloud-native platform, enabling organizations to leverage the power of the cloud for their automation initiatives. It offers a flexible deployment model where users can choose between Public and Private cloud options. This allows for greater scalability, automatic updates and reduced infrastructure management activities.
Intelligent AutomationAutomation Anywhere Version 11 provides basic cognitive capabilities through its IQ Bot. Which can extract data from unstructured documents and perform basic classification tasks. However, the scope of advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence features is limited in this version.Automation 360 puts a strong emphasis on intelligent automation. It offers a wide range of pre-built AI capabilities, such as document understanding, natural language processing, and computer vision. The platform integrates with popular machine learning frameworks, allowing users to train and deploy custom machine learning models for more advanced automation scenarios.

Here is the YouTube Tutorial where we are explaining about major differences between Automation Anywhere version 11 and Automation 360.

What kind of scripts Automation Anywhere A360 supports?

Automation 360 supports scripting languages such as:

  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • VBScript

 What is BOT Agent in Automation 360?

In Automation Anywhere A360, the BOT Agent is a software component that runs on the client machine. It communicates with the Automation Anywhere A360 platform. The BOT Agent acts as a bridge between the client machine and the cloud-based platform. It is responsible for executing the automation tasks created in the A360 platform on the client machine.

The BOT Agent is installed on the client machine and is registered with the Automation Anywhere A360 platform. Once the BOT Agent is registered, it can download and execute automation scripts created in the A360 platform. The BOT Agent also communicates the status and results of the automation scripts back to the A360 platform. Allowing users to monitor and manage their bots from a centralized location.

What is Excel Advanced and Basic package in Automation 360?

Automation 360 will give us options to work with Advanced and Basic excel. Advanced excel Package allows the user to automate repetitive tasks based on Microsoft Excel. To use this command, an excel application must be installed in the system where the user is developing or running the Bot. This package allows us to perform actions like – Open, Close, Get Single or Multiple Cell, get number of rows, get column names, etc.

Basic Excel Package allows the user to automate repetitive tasks when the Microsoft excel application is not installed in the system. This command allows users to perform very limited actions like – Open, Close, Get Single Cell or Multiple Cell, replace, set cell, etc.

How to use Object Cloning in Automation 360?

There is no such command or package available in Automation 360. However, Capture command under the recorder package is available which will act as Object Cloning.

How to automate SAP in Automation 360?

In Automation Anywhere A360 SAP can automate several ways. Following are the available options in Automation 360 to automate SAP-related tasks.

  • SAP Package
  • SAP BAPI Package
  • Capture
  • Universal Recorder or AISense Recorder
SAP Automation in Automation Anywhere

Types of recorders in Automation 360?

Automation 360 is integrated with Universal and AISense recorder. Which is by default available with enterprise and community editions.

Universal recorder can be used to automate the following actions.

  • Read and Write data into web based or windows-based applications.
  • Perform Left, Right or Double clicks
  • Capture object properties
  • Download table data

Automation Anywhere Automation 360 AISense recorder uses the leverage of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Which helps users to identify objects from an image or an application with a complex user interface (UI). It also helps on making automation in all environments faster and accurate. This recorder is helpful while automating Citrix-based processes.

What is the difference between a variable and a constant in Automation Anywhere A360?

In Automation Anywhere A360, a variable is a data type whose value can be changed during the execution of RPA Task, while a constant is a data type whose value remains constant throughout the execution of RPA Task.

What is the difference between a data table and a dataset in Automation Anywhere A360?

In Automation Anywhere A360, a data table and a dataset are both data structures used to store and manipulate large amounts of data. Here are some key differences between the two:

  • Structure: A data table is a two-dimensional table structure with columns and rows, while a dataset is a collection of related data tables.

  • Contents: A data table typically contains a single set of related data with a fixed number of columns and variable number of rows, while a dataset can contain multiple data tables with different structures.

  • Usage: A data table is commonly used to store data from a single source, while a dataset is often used to combine and organize data from multiple sources.

  • Functionality: A dataset provides more advanced functionality for manipulating and querying data, such as sorting, filtering, and grouping, while a data table has more basic functionality for working with tabular data.

In Automation Anywhere A360, a data table is often used to store data in a tabular format for easy processing and analysis. A dataset, on the other hand, is commonly used when working with multiple data sources or when more advanced data manipulation is required.

What is a trigger, and how is it used in Automation Anywhere A360?

In Automation Anywhere A360, a trigger is an event that initiates the execution of a bot. It is a mechanism that starts the automation process based on a specific condition or event.

Triggers can be based on various events, such as a file being created, a specific time of day, a specific email arriving in a mailbox, or a web page being updated. Triggers can be set up in Automation Anywhere A360 to automate a wide range of tasks and processes.

Once a trigger is set up, it waits for the event to occur, and when it does, it automatically starts the associated bot. For example, if a trigger is set up to start a bot when a specific file is created in a folder, the bot will automatically start processing the file as soon as it appears in the folder.

Overall, triggers are an essential part of Automation Anywhere A360, enabling users to automate tasks and processes automatically, without manual intervention, and allowing them to save time and reduce errors.

What are the different types of loops available in Automation Anywhere A360?

In Automation Anywhere A360, there are several types of loops available to automate repetitive tasks. The following are the different types of loops available in Automation Anywhere A360:

  • For Loop: A For Loop is a loop that executes a set of actions a specific number of times. It is useful when you know the number of times you want to execute the actions.

  • While Loop: A While Loop is a loop that executes a set of actions repeatedly until a specific condition is met. It is useful when you don’t know the exact number of times you want to execute the actions.

  • Do-While Loop: A Do-While Loop is similar to a While Loop, but it executes the actions at least once before checking the condition. It is useful when you want to execute the actions at least once, even if the condition is not met.

  • For Each Loop: A For Each Loop is a loop that executes a set of actions for each item in a collection. It is useful when you want to iterate through each item in a list or an array.

  • Iterator Loop: An Iterator Loop is a loop that executes a set of actions for each item in a collection. But it also allows you to access the index of the item being processed. It is useful when you want to iterate through each item in a list or an array and also want to access the index.

How do you handle credential management and secure data in Automation Anywhere?

Credential Management:

Automation Anywhere provides robust features for secure credential management to protect sensitive information used in automation tasks. The Credential Vault is a secure storage within Automation Anywhere to manage credentials such as usernames, passwords, API keys. The credentials stored in the vault are encrypted to ensure the confidentiality. By centralizing credentials in the Credential Vault, you can avoid hardcoding them in tasks and reducing the risk of exposing sensitive information.

Secure Data Handling:

To secure data in Automation Anywhere, consider the following best practices:

  • Encryption: Encryption protects the confidentiality and integrity of the data by converting it into an unreadable format using encryption algorithms. Automation Anywhere supports encryption techniques, and you can leverage them to encrypt data stored in files or transmitted between systems.

  • Access Control: Implement strong access controls and user permissions within Automation Anywhere. Grant access to the Credential Vault and sensitive data only to authorized individuals who require it for their automation tasks.

  • Password Policies: Enforce strong password policies for user accounts and the Credential Vault. Require users to follow password complexity rules, such as using a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable two-factor authentication for user accounts in Automation Anywhere. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a second form of verification. Such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their password.

  • Secure Execution Environment: Ensure that the machines executing automation tasks are secure. Implement necessary security measures such as up-to-date antivirus software, firewalls, and regular security patches.


How do you create conditional statements in Automation Anywhere A360?

In Automation Anywhere A360, you can create conditional statements using the “If/Else” command. Here’s how to create a conditional statement in Automation Anywhere A360:

  • Drag and drop the “If/Else” command from the “Logic” tab in the “Actions” pane.

  • In the “If/Else” command, define the condition that you want to check. For example, if you want to check if a variable “x” is greater than 10, you can define the condition as “x > 10”.

  • Next, drag and drop the actions that you want to execute if the condition is true into the “If” branch of the “If/Else” command.

  • If you want to execute a different set of actions when the condition is false, drag and drop the actions into the “Else” branch of the “If/Else” command.

  • Save and run the bot.

When the bot runs, it evaluates the condition in the “If/Else” command. If the condition is true, it executes the actions in the “If” branch. If the condition is false, it executes the actions in the “Else” branch.

Hope this will help you crack your next Automation Anywhere interview. You can also visit our other Blog Post based on other trending Technologies.