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20 Blue Prism Interview Questions You Need to Know: Expert Answers

Blue Prism is a one of the popular RPA Tool for automating business processes. The knowledge of this tool is highly sought after in the job market. If you’re preparing for a Blue Prism interview. It’s important to be familiar with the basic concepts and features of the platform, as well as its applications and benefits. In this post, we’ll cover some of the top Blue Prism interview questions and answers to help you ace your interview and land your dream job. You can also visit our YouTube Channel EasyWay2Learn to see Our Training Videos based on other RPA tools like Automation 360 and UiPath.

Top 20 Blue Prism Interview Questions

Blue Prism Interview

What is Blue Prism? What are its main features?

Blue Prism is a leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool designed to automate business processes within organizations. RPA technology enables the automation of repetitive, rule-based tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more complex and value-added activities. Blue Prism provides a platform for creating, managing, and executing software robots, known as “digital workers,” to streamline operations and improve efficiency. Let’s explore the main features of Blue Prism:

Process Automation: Blue Prism allows organizations to automate a wide range of business processes, including data entry, data extraction, report generation, and system integration.

Visual Design Environment: Blue Prism provides a visual design environment that enables users to create automation processes using a drag-and-drop interface.

Scalability and Reusability: Blue Prism supports scalability, allowing organizations to scale up their automation efforts as needed.

Security and Governance: Blue Prism offers robust security features to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Exception Handling: Blue Prism includes advanced exception handling mechanisms that allow digital workers to handle unexpected scenarios during automation processes.

Integration Capabilities: Blue Prism integrates seamlessly with various software applications, databases, and systems, enabling end-to-end process automation.

Analytics and Reporting: Blue Prism provides comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities to monitor and measure the performance of automated processes.

Control Room: Blue Prism’s Control Room serves as a central hub for managing and monitoring digital workers and automation processes.

How does Blue Prism work?

Blue Prism is an Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool that automates business processes by leveraging software robots, known as “digital workers.” These digital workers mimic human interactions with software applications and systems, enabling organizations to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks.

Blue Prism rpa uses a visual programming language called Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate manual tasks. It follows a set of instructions called a “process” to complete a task, such as logging into an application or filling out a form.

What are the benefits of using Blue Prism for process automation?

Blue Prism, a leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool, offers numerous benefits for organizations seeking to automate their business processes. By leveraging Blue Prism’s capabilities, businesses can streamline operations, improve efficiency, and achieve digital transformation. Here are some key benefits of using Blue Prism for process automation:

  • Increased Productivity
  • Cost Savings
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Quality
  • Scalability
  • Improved Compliance and Auditability
  • Faster Time to Market
  • Greater Customer Satisfaction
  • Process Analytics and Insights
  • Agility and Flexibility
  • Seamless Integration

How is RPA Blue Prism different from other RPA tools?

Blue Prism is a leading provider of RPA software and has a strong focus on security, governance, and enterprise scalability. It also offers a wide range of integrations and connectors, as well as analytics and reporting capabilities.

Explain different components available in Blue Prism?

Blue Prism, a leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool, consists of several components that work together to automate business processes. These components provide a comprehensive framework for designing, executing, and managing automation processes. Here are the key components of Blue Prism:

Blue Prism Studio: Blue Prism Studio is the design and development environment where automation processes are created.

Object Studio: Object Studio is a component of Blue Prism that focuses on creating object workflows. Object workflows define how Blue Prism interacts with software applications, including data entry, retrieval, and manipulation.

Process Studio: Process Studio is the core component of Blue Prism, where the business logic and control flow of automation processes are defined. Process Studio allows users to create and manage flowcharts, add decision stages, implement loops, and handle exceptions.

Control Room: The Control Room is the central hub for managing and monitoring automation processes in Blue Prism. It provides a dashboard view of all running processes, allows scheduling and prioritization of tasks, and facilitates remote monitoring and troubleshooting.

System Manager: The System Manager is responsible for managing the Blue Prism environment and its resources. It controls user access, manages security settings, and handles system configuration.

Object Repository: The Object Repository stores and manages the reusable components, called objects, in Blue Prism. Objects represent the interface between Blue Prism and the software applications being automated.

Blue Prism Database: Blue Prism utilizes a database to store configuration settings, process definitions, and runtime data. The database provides a central repository for managing and persisting automation-related information.

Explain the steps to create a Process in Blue Prism

To create a process in Blue Prism, you can follow these steps:

Open Process Studio: To create a process, you will need to use Blue Prism’s Process Studio, which is a visual design tool that allows you to create flowcharts that represent the steps of a process. To open Process Studio, open the Blue Prism application and select “Process Studio” from the main menu.

Create a new process: Once you have opened Process Studio, you can create a new process by clicking the “New” button in the toolbar. This will open a blank canvas where you can begin building your process.

Add steps to the process: To add a step to the process, you can drag and drop the relevant action from the Action Library on the right side of the Process Studio window. You can then configure the properties of the action by double-clicking on it or right-clicking and selecting “Properties.”

Connect the steps: To connect the steps of your process together, you can click and drag the arrow icon on the left side of each step to the next step in the process. You can also use branching elements called “decisions” to specify different paths to take based on the outcome of a particular step.

Configure the process properties: To set the properties of the process, such as its name and description, you can click on the “Properties” button in the toolbar. This will open the Process Properties window, where you can enter the relevant information.

Test the process: Once you have completed building your process, you can test it by clicking the “Run” button in the toolbar. This will allow you to see how the process behaves and make any necessary adjustments.

Save the process: You can save it by clicking the “Save” button in the toolbar. This will save the process into the Blue Prism environment.

What do you understand by the Environmental variable in Blue Prism?

In Blue Prism, an environmental variable is a value that can be stored in the Blue Prism environment. And accessed by different processes or objects within the environment.

Environmental variables are often used to store values that are needed by multiple processes or objects. Such as configuration settings, database connection details, or file paths.

Environmental variables can create, modify and delete within the Blue Prism environment. For example, you can create environmental variable called “Database Connection String” and set its value to be the connection string needed to connect to a database. Then, you can use the placeholder notation to reference this environmental variable in a process or object, such as %Database Connection String%, and Blue Prism will substitute the actual value of the environmental variable at runtime.

What is Visual Business Object in Blue Prism?

Visual Business Object (VBO) is an object that represents user interface (UI) element of an application. It allows processes to interact with the UI of an application in a way that user interact with the application.

A VBO consists of a set of actions that correspond to different UI elements or functionality of an application. For example, a VBO for a web browser might have actions for navigating to a URL. Or entering text into a text field, clicking a button, and so on. When process needs to interact with an application, it can use the actions of the relevant VBO to do so.

Visual Business Object are created using Blue Prism’s Visual Business Object Designer. Which allows user to define the UI elements and actions for a VBO by mapping to the elements and functionality of an application. You use the VBO in a process by dragging and dropping the relevant actions into process flow.

VBOs are a key component of Blue Prism’s automation capabilities. As it allows user to automate interactions with applications that have a UI. Such as web browsers, desktop applications, and mobile apps. VBO is useful for automating repetitive tasks or processes that involve interacting with multiple applications or UI elements.

What do you understand by the Process in Blue Prism?

 In Blue Prism, a process is a series of steps that define the tasks which need to be automated. Processes can be created using Process Studio. Which is a visual design tool that allows user to create flowcharts that represent the steps of a process.

These steps can be connected together in a flowchart like structure. Branching elements called “decisions” used to specify different paths to take based on the outcome of a particular step.

Blue Prism processes can interact with a variety of different applications or systems, such as web browsers, desktop applications, and databases, by using objects that represent these applications or systems. Processes can also use data items to store and manipulate data and can pass data between different processes or objects using inputs and outputs.

Blue Prism processes are a key component of the Blue Prism platform, as they provide the ability to automate business processes in a flexible and scalable way. They are particularly useful for automating repetitive tasks or processes that involve interacting with multiple applications or systems.

What are the steps to deploy Blue Prism applications?

,To deploy a Blue Prism application, you can follow these steps:

Prepare the application environment: Before you deploy your Blue Prism application, you need to set up the environment where the application will deploy. This will involve installing Blue Prism on the target machine. Setting up any necessary database connections and configuring the application’s environmental variables.

Build the application: Once the environment is set up, you will need to build your Blue Prism application. This involves creating and configuring the processes, objects, and other components of the application.

Package the application: Once the application is built, you need to package it for deployment. This involves creating a package file that contains all of the necessary components of the application. Including processes, objects, data items, and any other necessary files or resources.

Deploy the application: To deploy the application, you need to copy the package file into target machine.  And then import it into the Blue Prism environment using Control Room. This will create a new application in the environment, which can then be run or scheduled as needed.

Test the application: Once application is deployed, we must test it to ensure that it is working as expected. This may involve running the application and verifying that it performs the tasks correctly.

Monitor and maintain the application: Once the application is deployed and tested. You need to monitor it to ensure that it continues to work correctly. This may involve monitoring the performance of the application and making any necessary changes as well.

Explain the steps to create an action in Blue Prism and publish it.

To create and publish an action in Blue Prism, you can follow these steps:

Open Object Studio: To create an action, you will need to use Blue Prism’s Object Studio. That allows you to create and configure Blue Prism objects. To open Object Studio, open the Blue Prism application and select “Object Studio” from the main menu.

Select the object: In Object Studio, select the object that you want to create the action for. This will display the available actions for the object in the action Library.

Create a new action: To create a new action, click the “New” button in the toolbar. This will open the Action Properties window, where you can enter the name and description of the action.

Configure the action: In the Action Properties window, you can configure the properties of the action. Such as the input and output parameters, and any other settings that are relevant to the action.

Define the action code: To define the code that will be executed when the action is run, you can use the Code Stage in the Action Properties window. This stage allows you to enter the code that will be executed when the action is run, using a programming language such as C# or VB.NET.

Test the action: Once you have completed configuring the action, you can test it by clicking the “Test” button in the toolbar. This will allow you to see how the action behaves and make any necessary adjustments.

Publish the action: When you are satisfied with the action, you can publish it by clicking the “Publish” button in the toolbar. This will make the action available to other users in the Blue Prism environment, who can then use it in their processes.

What is Blue Prism Process Template and what is the use of it?

A Blue Prism process template is a pre-defined process that serves as a starting point for creating a new process. Process templates can be used to define common patterns or structures that are used across multiple processes. Such as the layout of a process flow, the names and types of data items, or the exception handling logic.

Using process template can help to reduce the time and effort required to create new processes. As it provides a standardized structure that can be used as a foundation for building new processes. This can help to ensure that processes are consistent and follow best practices and can make it easier to update or maintain multiple processes over time.

To use a process template in Blue Prism, you can create a new process using the “New” button in Process Studio, and then select the template that you want to use as the basis for the new process. This will create a new process with the structure and components defined in the template, which you can then customize as needed for your specific requirements.

How do you handle exceptions and errors in Blue Prism processes?

Blue Prism has built-in exception handling capabilities. Including the ability to define specific actions to take in the event of an error or exception. This can be done using “rescue” and “recover” blocks within the process flow.

How do you maintain and update Blue Prism processes over time?

To maintain and update Blue Prism processes over time. You can use the version control and governance features to track and manage changes to the process. You can also use the analytics and reporting capabilities to identify areas for improvement and optimize the process as needed.

How do you integrate Blue Prism with other systems and technologies?

Blue Prism can integrate with other systems and technologies through APIs, web services, and other connectivity options. You can use connectors and integrations provided by Blue Prism. Or create custom integrations using the API and other development tools.

How do you troubleshoot and debug Blue Prism processes?

To troubleshoot and debug Blue Prism processes. You can use the built-in debugger and simulation tools to step through the process and identify issues. You can also use the analytics and reporting features to monitor process performance and identify potential problems.

How do you optimize Blue Prism processes for performance and efficiency?

To optimize Blue Prism processes for performance and efficiency, you can use techniques such as process optimization, resource optimization, and data optimization. You can also use the analytics and reporting capabilities to identify and address bottlenecks or inefficiencies.

How do you implement security and governance controls in Blue Prism processes?

Blue Prism has built-in security and governance controls, including support for data encryption, secure authentication, and role-based access. You can also use the governance features to track and manage process changes, and implement compliance and audit controls as needed.

How do you use machine learning and artificial intelligence in Blue Prism processes?

Blue Prism has built-in support for integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities into processes. You can use these technologies to automate tasks such as data analysis, decision-making, and prediction, and to improve process performance and accuracy.

As you can see, there are many different aspects of Blue Prism that can be covered in an interview. By reviewing these common questions and brushing up on the key concepts and features of the platform. You can be well-prepared to showcase your knowledge and skills during your interview. Good luck, and we hope these questions and answers were helpful!

We hope these Blue Prism interview questions and answers have been helpful as you prepare for your upcoming interview. If you have any other questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts. We’re here to help you succeed and land your dream job in the field of process automation. You can also visit our other Blog Post based on other trending Technologies.