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Top UiPath Interview Questions and Answers (2023)

In this article based on our RPA Experience we are sharing Latest UiPath Interview Questions for UiPath Developer (2023) Interview. If you are looking for a job as an RPA Developer or UiPath developer. In this blog post, we will take a look at most often asked UiPath interview questions and answers. We will cover everything from technical skills to soft skills and provide tips to help you succeed and land your dream job.

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Top 20 UiPath Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What do you mean by Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that enables organizations to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks. It is typically implemented using software robots or artificial intelligence (AI). RPA Can be used to perform specific tasks. Such as data entry, document processing, and customer service.

RPA can be used to improve the efficiency and productivity of organizations. By eliminating the need for humans to perform these tasks, freeing them up to focus on more complex and value-added work. It can also improve the accuracy and consistency of tasks by eliminating human error and following established rules and procedures.

RPA can be implemented in a wide range of industries. Such as financial services, healthcare, and government sectors. It is a flexible and adaptable technology. That can be easily configured and scaled to meet the changing needs of organizations.

2. Explain about RPA Life Cycle?

RPA is a technology that enables organizations to automate repetitive, manual tasks by using software robots or “Bots” to perform them. The RPA life cycle refers to the various stages involved in planning, designing, implementing, and maintaining an RPA solution.

3. The RPA life cycle typically includes the following steps:

Assess Automation Feasibility: Once potential processes for automation have been identified, it is important to assess their feasibility for automation. This may involve evaluating the technical complexity of the task. The availability of data and systems, and the potential impact on employees and other stakeholders.

Design and build the solution: The next step is to design and build the RPA solution. This may involve designing the workflow, selecting the appropriate software tools, and configuring the bots to perform the tasks as required.

Test and Debug: Once the solution has been built, it is important to test it to ensure that it is functioning as intended. This may involve conducting functional and non-functional testing to verify that the bots are performing the tasks accurately and efficiently.

Deploy and Monitor: After testing is complete, the solution can be deployed in the production environment. It is important to monitor the performance of the bots to ensure that they are operating as intended and to identify and resolve any issues that may arise.

Maintain and Optimize: Ongoing maintenance and optimization of the RPA solution is important to ensure that it continues to operate effectively. This may involve making changes to the workflow, updating the bots, or adding new functionality as needed.

UiPath Interview Questions

4. What is UiPath?

UiPath is a software company that provides a platform for automating robotic process automation (RPA). UiPath’s platform includes a range of tools and capabilities that enable organizations to automate processes. Such as data entry, document processing, and customer service. UiPath’s software is designed to be easy to use, with a drag-and-drop interface. That allows users to build automation flows without the need for programming knowledge. The company’s platform is used by organizations across a variety of industries. Such as Finance, Banking, Utility, Healthcare.

5. What are the components of UiPath?

UiPath consists of several components that work together to provide a comprehensive platform for automating robotic process automation (RPA). These components include:

  • UiPath Studio: This is a visual design tool that allows users to create automation flows by dragging and dropping pre-built activities onto a canvas.
  • UiPath Robot: This is the runtime component of UiPath that executes the automation flows designed in UiPath Studio.
  • UiPath Orchestrator: This is a web-based platform that enables users to manage, schedule, and monitor their automation processes. It also provides reporting and analytics capabilities.
  • UiPath Connect: This is a set of connectors that allow UiPath to integrate with other systems and applications, such as databases, CRM systems, and cloud services.
  • UiPath AI Fabric: This is a suite of artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. That can be used to augment automation processes with capabilities such as natural language processing (NLP) and image recognition.
  • UiPath Academy: This is an online learning platform that provides training and resources for users to learn about RPA and UiPath.

6. Explain about different features of Robotic Process Automation?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technology that enables organizations to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks that are typically performed by humans. Some of the key features of RPA include:

Automation of repetitive tasks: RPA can automate tasks such as data entry, document processing, and customer service, freeing up human workers to focus on more complex and value-added tasks.

Improved accuracy and consistency: RPA can improve the accuracy and consistency of tasks by eliminating human error and following established rules and procedures.

Increased efficiency and productivity: RPA can increase the efficiency and productivity of organizations by completing tasks faster and more accurately than humans, leading to cost savings and increased profitability.

Enhanced compliance and security: RPA can improve compliance and security by automating processes that involve sensitive data and following established rules and regulations.

Integration with other systems: RPA can integrate with other systems and applications, such as databases, CRM systems, and cloud services, to automate processes that span multiple systems.

Flexibility and scalability: RPA can be easily configured and scaled to meet the changing needs of organizations, making it a flexible and adaptable technology.

Easy to use: RPA platforms often have user-friendly interfaces that allow users to build automation flows without the need for programming knowledge.

7. What is the main difference between test automation and process automation?

Test automation and process automation are two different approaches to automating tasks. The main difference between the two is the focus of the automation.

Test automation involves the use of software to automate the testing of software or applications. It is used to validate that the software or application is functioning correctly and meets the requirements. Test automation is typically focused on verifying the quality and reliability of the software or application.

Process automation, on the other hand, involves the use of software or robots to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks. It is used to improve efficiency and productivity by eliminating the need for humans to perform these tasks. Process automation is typically focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes.

In summary, test automation is focused on verifying the quality and reliability of software or applications. While process automation is focused on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes.

8. What is the difference between UiPath and Automation Anywhere?

UiPath and Automation Anywhere are both software companies that provide platforms for automating robotic process automation (RPA). While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between the two platforms.

One major difference is the focus of the platforms. UiPath is primarily focused on providing a comprehensive platform for automating a wide range of business processes. Including data entry, document processing, and customer service. Automation Anywhere, on the other hand, is focused on providing a platform for automating complex, industry-specific processes. Such as those found in financial services, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Another difference is the user interface and ease of use. UiPath has a visual, drag-and-drop interface that allows users to build automation flows without the need for programming knowledge. Automation Anywhere, on the other hand, has a more technical interface that may require some programming knowledge to use effectively.

Finally, there are differences in the capabilities and features of the two platforms. UiPath offers a wide range of tools and features for automating processes, including integration with other systems, artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, and a range of workflow types. Automation Anywhere also offers a range of tools and features, including integration with other systems and AI capabilities, but its focus on complex, industry-specific processes means that it may offer more specialized capabilities in these areas.

9. Explain the difference between Basic and desktop recorder in UiPath?

In UiPath, the basic recorder and the desktop recorder are two different tools for capturing and recording actions performed on a computer. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between the two.

The basic recorder is the simplest type of recorder in UiPath. It captures mouse and keyboard actions and generates a sequence of activities that can be played back. The basic recorder is useful for automating simple, repetitive tasks that do not require data entry or interaction with specific windows or applications.

The desktop recorder, on the other hand, is a more advanced recorder that captures actions performed in specific windows or applications. It allows users to select a specific window or application to record and generates a sequence of activities that can be played back within that window or application. The desktop recorder is useful for automating tasks that require data entry or interaction with specific windows or applications, such as web forms or CRM systems.

In summary, the main difference between the basic and desktop recorder is the scope of the recording. The basic recorder captures actions at the system level, while the desktop recorder captures actions within a specific window or application.

10. Explain about different types of workflows available in UiPath studio?

In UiPath Studio, there are several types of workflows available for creating automation solutions. These include:

  • Sequence: A sequence workflow is a simple, linear workflow that consists of a series of activities executed one after the other. It is useful for automating simple processes that do not require branching or decision-making.
  • Flowchart: A flowchart workflow is a graphical representation of a process that uses a set of standardized symbols to represent the different steps. It is useful for modeling complex processes that involve decision-making and branching.
  • State Machine: A state machine workflow is a type of workflow that models a system as a set of states and transitions between those states. It is useful for automating processes that involve multiple states or conditions.
  • Rule Set: A rule set workflow is a type of workflow that allows users to define a set of rules and conditions, and then apply those rules to incoming data to determine the appropriate action. It is useful for automating processes that involve complex decision-making.
  • Flow Decision: A flow decision workflow is a type of workflow that allows users to create branches in the automation process based on specific conditions or criteria. It is useful for automating processes that require branching or decision-making.
  • Flow Switch: A flow switch workflow is a type of workflow that allows users to create multiple branches in the automation process and specify the conditions or criteria for each branch. It is similar to a flow decision workflow, but allows for more complex branching scenarios.

11. Explain about different types of Wildcards available in UiPath?

In UiPath, wildcards are characters that can be used in place of other characters to match a wide range of possible values. There are several types of wildcards available in UiPath:

  • The asterisk (*) wildcard can be used to match zero or more characters. For example, “a” could match “a,” “aa,” or “abc.”
  • The question mark (?) wildcard can be used to match a single character. For example, “a?” could match “ab” or “ac,” but not “aa.”
  • The caret (^) wildcard can be used to match any single character that is not a specified character or range of characters. For example, “a^b” could match “ac,” “ad,” or “ae,” but not “ab.”
  • The square brackets ([]) wildcard can be used to match a single character that is a member of a specified set of characters. For example, “[abc]” could match “a,” “b,” or “c.”
  • The curly braces ({}) wildcard can be used to specify a range of characters. For example, “[a-z]” could match any lowercase letter, while “[0-9]” could match any digit.

Wildcards can be useful in UiPath for matching text or data values that may vary. For example, a wildcard could be used to match different variations of a customer’s name, such as “John,” “Jonathan,” or “Jon.”

12. What is the State of a machine in UiPath?

In UiPath, a state is a specific condition or status that a machine or system can be in. In the context of UiPath, a state machine is a type of workflow that models a system as a set of states and transitions between those states.

A state machine workflow in UiPath consists of a set of states that represent the different conditions or statuses that the system can be in, and transitions that define the rules for moving between those states. For example, a state machine workflow for an automated customer service system might have states for “greeting,” “prompting for input,” and “providing a response.” Transitions between these states would be triggered by specific events. Such as the customer entering a specific input or the system reaching a certain point in the conversation.

State machine workflows are useful for automating processes that involve multiple states or conditions. They allow organizations to model complex processes in a visual and intuitive way, making it easier to understand and maintain the automation solution.

13. What are the various types of recorders available in UiPath?

In UiPath, recorders are tools that allow users to capture and replay actions performed on a computer. There are several types of recorders available in UiPath:

  • Basic Recorder: The basic recorder is the simplest type of recorder in UiPath. It captures mouse and keyboard actions. And generates a sequence of activities that can be played back.
  • Image and Text Recorder: The image and text recorder is similar to the basic recorder, but it also captures data entered into fields and displayed in text or image format. This type of recorder is useful for automating processes that involve entering or extracting data from fields or images.
  • Web Recorder is specifically designed for automating processes on the web. It captures actions performed in a web browser. And generates a sequence of activities that can be played back.
  • Citrix Recorder is designed for automating processes that run on a Citrix virtual desktop or application. It captures actions performed on the virtual desktop. And generates a sequence of activities that can be played back.
  • Screen Scraping Wizard: The screen scraping wizard is a tool that helps users extract data from a specific area of the screen. It allows users to define the data to be extracted by dragging a rectangle around the area of the screen containing the data.
Types of Recorders in UiPath Studio
Recorders in UiPath

14. What is generic variable and its use in UiPath?

In UiPath, a generic variable is a type of variable that can store a value of any data type. Generic variables are defined using the “object” data type. Can be used to store values of any other data type, such as string, integer, or Boolean.

Generic variables are useful in UiPath when the data type of a value may change over the course of an automation process. They allow users to define a single variable that can store values of different data types at different points in the process. This can be useful when working with data. That may be of different types at different stages of the process, or when the data type of a value is not known in advance.

To use a generic variable in UiPath, users simply need to declare the variable as an “object” type and assign it a value. The value can be of any data type, and the variable will automatically adjust to the appropriate type.

Generic variables are a flexible and powerful tool for working with data in UiPath. These are often used in conjunction with other data types to create more complex and dynamic automation processes.

15. What is the use of Element Exists activity in UiPath?

In UiPath, the “Element Exists” activity is used to check if a specific element or elements exist on the screen or in a web page. It returns a Boolean value indicating whether the element or elements were found.

The “Element Exists” activity is useful for verifying the presence of elements in a user interface or web page as part of an automation process. It can be used to check for the existence of specific buttons, fields, or other UI elements. To perform different actions based on the result of the check.

To use the “Element Exists” activity in UiPath. Users simply need the element or elements to be checked. The conditions under which the element is considered to exist. The activity can then be incorporated into the automation flow as needed.

The “Element Exists” activity is a useful tool for building automation flows. That require interaction with user interfaces or web pages and is often used in conjunction with other activities such as “Click” or “Type Into.”

16. Explain the steps of publishing an automation project in UiPath?

To publish an automation project in UiPath, you can follow these steps:

Open the project in UiPath Studio.

Go to the “Publish” tab in the toolbar.

Click on the “Create a new publish profile” button.

Select the type of project you want to publish (e.g standalone application, library, or service).

Select the target environment for the project (e.g local machine, server, or cloud).

Specify any additional settings or options for the project, such as the output directory or the runtime version.

Click on the “Publish” button to build and publish the project.

If you are publishing to a server or cloud environment, you may need to specify additional connection details or credentials.

Wait for the project to be built and published. This may take a few minutes, depending on the size and complexity of the project.

Once the project has been published, it will be available for use in the target environment.

Publishing an automation project in UiPath involves building the project and creating a package. That can be deployed and run in a specific environment. By following these steps, you can create and publish automation projects. That are ready to be used in production environments.

17. What are the variable and data type available in UiPath?

In UiPath, variables are used to store and manipulate data during the execution of an automation process. There are several types of variables available in UiPath, including:

  • String: A string is a sequence of characters, such as a word or phrase. String variables are often used to store text data.
  • Integer: An integer is a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero. Integer variables are often used to store numerical data.
  • Boolean: A Boolean variable can have one of two values: true or false. Boolean variables are often used to store data that represents a logical value, such as a yes/no answer or the result of a comparison.
  • Date: A date variable stores a specific date and time. Date variables are often used to store data related to time and calendars.
  • Array: An array is a data structure that stores a collection of items of the same type. Array variables are often used to store multiple values of the same type, such as a list of names or a set of numbers.

In addition to these basic data types, UiPath also supports a range of other data types, such as float, long, and object. The specific data types available in UiPath may vary depending on the version of the software and the programming language being used.

18. What is assigned activity and its use in UiPath?

In UiPath, an assigned activity is a type of activity that is used to assign a value to a variable. It consists of a target variable and an expression or value that is used to set the value of the variable.

Assigned activities are useful for storing and manipulating data during the execution of an automation process. They can be used to set the initial value of a variable, update the value of a variable based on the result of a calculation or operation, or store the output of another activity in a variable.

To use an assigned activity in UiPath. User can simply drag and drop the activity onto the canvas. Specify the target variable and the value or expression to be assigned. The assigned activity can then be incorporated into the automation flow as needed. These are the fundamental building block of automation processes in UiPath. These are used in a wide range of tasks and scenarios. They provide a simple and powerful way to store, manipulate, and use data in automation flows.

19. What is Package manager in UiPath.

In UiPath, a package manager is a tool that enables users to manage the installation, update, and removal of packages (collections of files and resources) within an automation project. Package managers are commonly used to manage dependencies and to simplify the process of installing and updating packages.

UiPath has its own package manager called “UiPath Package Manager,”. Which is integrated into the UiPath Studio development environment. The UiPath Package Manager allows users to search for, install, update, and remove packages from the UiPath Gallery, which is a repository of packages that are available for use in UiPath projects.

UiPath Package Manager makes it easy for users to manage the packages. It is a useful tool for simplifying the process of building and maintaining automation solutions with UiPath.

Package Manager in UiPath
Package Manager in UiPath Studio

20. What is the difference between screen scraping and data scrapping in UiPath?

Screen Scraping and Data Scraping are both techniques that are used to extract data from a user interface or web page. However, there are some key differences between the two:

Scope: Screen scraping refers to the process of extracting data from the entire screen or window of an application or website. Data scraping, on the other hand, refers to the process of extracting specific data from a specific location or element within the user interface or web page.

Method: Screen scraping typically involves capturing and analyzing the raw data displayed on the screen, such as the text and graphics. Data scraping, on the other hand, often involves extracting data from structured sources such as HTML elements or API responses.

Screen scraping is often used to capture data that is not intended to be accessed or manipulated. Such as the text displayed in a user interface. Data scraping is often used to extract specific data from structured sources for further processing or analysis.

In summary, screen scraping is a broad term that refers to the process of extracting data from a user interface or web page, while data scraping refers to the process of extracting specific data from structured sources within a user interface or web page. Both techniques can be useful for automating tasks and extracting data from different types of sources, but they differ in terms of scope, method, and purpose.

21. What are the different types of robots that can be configured in UiPath Orchestrator?

In UiPath Orchestrator, robots are software programs that execute automation processes on behalf of users. Types of robots that can be configured in UiPath Orchestrator:

  • Attended robots are designed to be used by a human operator in a live, interactive environment. Typically used to automate tasks that require human intervention or decision-making. Such as data entry or customer service.
  • Unattended robots are designed to run automation processes in an unattended or headless mode. Without the need for human intervention. Typically used to automate tasks that can run on a schedule or in the background.
  • Developer robots are specialized that are used by developers to test and debug processes. They are typically used in a development or staging environment.

Each type of robot serves a different purpose. And is suited for different types of tasks and environments. Users can choose the appropriate type of robot based on their specific needs and requirements.

22. What is re-usable component in Robotic Process Automation?

In Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a reusable component is a piece of code or functionality. That can be use multiple times in different projects. Reusable components are designed to be flexible and modular, making it easy to incorporate them into different automation flows and processes.

Reusable components can take many forms, including functions, libraries, templates, or frameworks. They are typically designed to be flexible and configurable. Allowing users to customize them to meet the specific needs of their automation processes.

Reusable components can be useful in RPA for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: Reusable components can save time and effort by allowing users to reuse code or functionality. That has already been developed and tested, rather than starting from scratch.
  • Consistency: This can help ensure consistency across different automation processes or projects. Which providing a standard set of tools and functionality that can be used throughout the organization.
  • Maintainability: Reusable components can make it easier to maintain and update processes over time. As changes to the components can be made in a single location and propagated to all uses of the component.

Overall, reusable components are an important tool for building efficient, consistent, and maintainable automation processes in RPA.

23. Explain about Selectors and its use in UiPath?

Selectors are used in UiPath to identify specific elements in the user interface (UI) of desktop application. So that the automation process can interact with them. It consists of a set of rules that define the characteristics of the element. Such as its position on the screen, size, color, text, or any other unique attribute.

There are different types of selectors that can be used in UiPath. Depending on the type of UI element that you are trying to interact with. Some of the most common types of selectors include:

  • Absolute selectors: These selectors use the exact position of the element on the screen to identify it.
  • Relative selectors: These selectors use the element’s position relative to other elements on the screen to identify it.
  • Attribute selectors: These selectors use the element’s attributes, such as its class or ID, to identify it.
  • Wildcard selectors: These selectors use a combination of different criteria, such as the element’s position, size, and text, to identify it.

You can create and edit selectors in UiPath using the Selector Editor, which is a tool that allows you to specify the criteria for identifying an element in the UI. You can then use these selectors in your automation processes to interact with the elements in the UI, using activities such as Click, Type Into, or Get Text.

  • You can also refer to our other Blogs based on Automation Anywhere Interview Questions and Answers.